Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Figure 1 Source: Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection Israel air quality standards are high compared to European standards for PM 10 and ozone, and to US standards for ozone and PM 2.5 . As mandated by the Clean Air Law, the MoEP developed a multi–year (2012-2020) National Pollution Reduction and Prevention Program. Ambient air pollution measures required by the program include measures related to the following sectors: energy, industry, transportation, and household. A version of the program was approved in August 2013 after extended negotiations regarding the program's budget. Data on Ambient Air Pollution in Israel Ambient Air Monitoring Stations in Israel The National Air Monitoring System in Israel includes over 140 monitoring stations which are managed by a range of different bodies: municipal environmental assocations, the Israel Electric Company, industry, port authorities, bus stations, and the MoEP. Air monitoring data are available on the National Air Monitoring Network website. The MoEP distinguishes between two types of monitoring stations: traffic monitoring stations and general monitoring stations. Traffic stations measure primary pollutants emitted from vehicles, such as nitrogen oxides/nitrogen dioxide (NOx/NO 2 ), carbon monoxide (CO), PM 2.5 , and VOCs (such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and 1, 3-Butadiene). General stations measure airborne pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides/nitrogen dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide and PM. Sources and Composition of Particulate Matter in Israel Israel has high background levels of PM, from local natural dust and long range transport of PM from neighboring countries. On average, over 50% of PM 2.5 levels in Israel are due to long range transport, mostly from Europe and the Mediterranean basin. During the winter and in transition seasons, levels are especially high due to long range transport from the Sahara and Arabian Haifa Area Tel Aviv Area Ashdod Area - 11 - Ambient Air Quality
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