Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Data on Health Effects Associated with Air Pollution in Israel National data are available for health outcomes associated with ambient air pollution, including asthma, cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer in the adult population. However, as these data have not been linked to data on air pollution, it is difficult to ascertain the air pollution-related incidence of these diseases on a national level. National data on health outcomes in children in Israel are limited. For example, the most recent national data on asthma prevalence in children are from 2008. As part of a cost-benefit analysis conducted within the framework of the National Pollution Reduction and Prevention Program, adverse health effects associated with exceeding target levels of selected air pollutants were calculated for 2015 and 2020 based on modeled air concentrations. Adverse health effects associated with current monitored ambient air pollution have not been calculated on a national level. Predicted Health Effects Associated with Ambient Air Pollution above the Target Value, 2015 and 2020 The cost associated with exceeding the target values for PM and ozone was estimated at NIS 22 billion in 2015 and NIS 24 billion in 2020. Table 2 Environmental Health in Israel 2014 Chapter 1 - 14 - PM 2.5 loss of life, chronic exposure PM 2.5 lung cancer PM 2.5 ischemic heart disease mortality PM 10 premature death, acute exposure PM 10 cardiovascular hospitalizations PM 10 respiratory hospitalizations PM 10 asthma, medicine use days Ozone, premature death, acute exposure Ozone, respiratory hospitalizations 27,860 life years 166.8 448.11 149.2 53.9 396.5 2,229.7 20.8 44 2015 30,310 life years 156.6 422.42 135.3 47.9 359.5 2,021.6 26.7 56 2020
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