Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Environmental Health in Israel 2014 Chapter 2 The Planning and Building Regulations passed in 1970, and most recently updated in 2008, require ventilation in buildings with the aim of improving IAQ. This includes requirements regarding windows, vents, and ventilation pipes. In addition, the regulations define the minimal number of air exchanges required for ventilation of indoor spaces via artificial ventilation systems. Regulations on thermal insulation introduced in Israel in 1985 required more insulation in newly constructed buildings. However, no requirements for improving thermal insulation were imposed on existing buildings. After implementation of the regulations, the proportion of homes with condensation-related mold decreased by 25% and those with extreme mold growth decreased by 20%. The Planning and Building Regulations passed in 1970 and most recently updated in 2008 require that buildings be planned and built in a way that prevents accumulation of high radon levels that can harm health. In addition, the regulations set maximum permissible indoor radon levels. Israel Standard 5098 also sets limits on the concentration of natural radionuclides in building products. Although not developed specifically for indoor air pollutants, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MoEP) 2006 Air Quality Guideline Values do provide guideline values for 110 contaminants. The 2011 Israeli Standard 6210 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, based on the 2010 US standard, defines permitted values for particular indoor contaminants (including sulfur dioxide [SO 2 ], nitrogen dioxide [NO 2 ], carbon monoxide, PM 10 , benzene, toluene, perchloroethylene and formaldehyde). This standard is not mandatory, but is expected to become mandatory within the framework of the Ministry of Construction and Housing Building Code. There are four Israeli standards that establish maximum permissible levels of formaldehyde emissions from wood materials. In all of these standards, the sections pertaining to the emission of formaldehyde are mandatory. Due to concerns about the extra sensitivity of infants to formaldehyde, Standard 682 – which addresses the safety of infant cribs – lowers the maximum permitted value of formaldehyde in cribs to 70% of the value defined for raw materials. Israel Standard 5281, which is voluntary, addresses sustainable building, including energy, land, water, building materials, health, waste, and transportation. The standard addresses issues related to ventilation, use of raw materials that do not emit toxics and quality of ambient air entering the building (for example from underground parking areas). Data on Indoor Air Quality in Israel The MoEP conducts a National Radon Gas Survey. The survey aims to identify and map regions of relatively high levels of radon gas and to define regions of potential high risk for the presence - 20 -
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