Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Environmental Tobacco Smoke The adverse effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) mirror those associated with active smoking. For example, in adults ETS increases the risk of lung cancer and heart disease. In young children, exposure to ETS increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Current Regulations In Israel today, smoking is prohibited in most closed public places, including hospitals, trains, public pools, restaurants, bars and pubs, places of worship, and all government buildings. However, under the current law, bars and pubs are allowed to set aside a quarter of their space for smokers, as long as it is in a separate room, and smoking is permitted in private offices and in most open spaces. The Ministry of Health (MoH) is currently developing legislation that would extend the ban on smoking in public places to electronic cigarettes and nargilehs, allow the MoH to authorize inspectors to enforce the law, and extend the current prohibition on smoking in public places to include stadiums, public parks, and other open spaces. Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Israel Despite extensive legislation to prevent exposure of the non-smoking population to ETS, data show that most of the Israeli population is indeed exposed to ETS. According to the 2010 Israel Chapter 3 - 25 - Environmental Tobacco Smoke
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