Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Exposure to chemical contaminants in drinking water has been associated with an array of adverse health effects in human populations, including increased incidence of cancer (due to exposure to trichloroethylene and trihalomethanes), adverse effects on neurodevelopment (due to exposure to lead), and adverse effects on reproductive and birth outcomes (due to exposure to atrazine). Current Regulations The chemical quality of drinking water in Israel is regulated according to standards originally passed in 1974. The standards were revised in 1993, 2000, and most recently, in 2013. The 2013 standards include maximum contaminant levels for over 90 chemical contaminants, including metals, pesticides, radionuclides, and industrial organic pollutants. Compared to the 2000 drinking water standards, the 2013 standards require increased monitoring frequency, monitoring of 33 additional contaminants, and stricter permitted maximum contaminant levels for 28 chemicals (for examples see Table 1). Chemicals with Lower Maximum Contaminant Levels and New Chemicals in the 2013 Standards Table 1 Chemical Parameters in Drinking Water Chapter 4 Trichloroethylene (industrial pollutant) Tetrachloroethylene (industrial pollutant) Benzene (industrial pollutant) Alachlor (pesticide) Examples of Chemicals whose Maximum Contaminant Level was Lowered in 2013 Standards Examples of Chemicals with Maximum Contaminant Levels Added in 2013 Standards Polychlorinated Biphenyls (industrial pollutant) Ethylbenzene (industrial pollutant) Carbofuran (pesticide) Chlorpyrifos (pesticide) - 31 - Chemical Parameters in Drinking Water
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