Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Figure 1 Source: Israeli Ministry of Health (2) an additional 8% of samples had lead concentrations that were detectable, but below the standard (Figure 1). The major conclusion of the survey was that drinking water components, such as pipes and fittings, contribute to the presence of lead in drinking water in homes and institutions. In general, there are limited data in Israel on drinking water quality in households and in institutions, such as schools. Lead Concentration in Drinking Water in Households and Institutions, 2011 One of the emerging positive trends in the quality of drinking water in Israel is the significant decrease in trihalomethane concentrations over the past 15 years, mostly as a result of the increase in supplied desalinated water in southern Israel and the subsequent decrease in staying time of water in drinking water systems. In 2005, average monthly trihalomethane concentrations measured at different points along the National Water Carrier were as high as 132.6 µg/L (compared to the drinking water standard of 100 µg/L). In 2012, average monthly trihalomethane concentrations measured at different points along the National Water Carrier were below 60 µg/L. The Water Authority's Water Quality Division regularly monitors groundwater affected by contamination sources, such as industry, gas stations, waste sites, and agricultural sites. The Division monitors contaminants which are not included in the drinking water standards. The Division has detected widespread gasoline contamination in the Mountain Aquifer and has detected chlorinated solvents and heavy metals in groundwater around selected industrial areas. The Division has recently begun to monitor endocrine disrupting chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and hormones in groundwater. In 2010–2011 the MoH conducted a pilot survey on bisphenol A (BPA) in bottled water in polycarbonate containers. Water samples were collected from new and used polycarbonate containers. BPA was not detected in any of the samples. Below level of quantification Detected, below standard Above standard 90% 8% 2% - 33 - Chemical Parameters in Drinking Water
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