Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Atrazine is a suspected endocrine disrupting chemical which has been associated with pre- term delivery and intrauterine growth retardation; however, the health effects of widespread exposure to this chemical in drinking water in Israel have not been studied. There is no central database in Israel on emerging drinkingwater contaminants, such as unregulated chlorination by-products, and pharmaceuticals in drinking water, such as carbamazepine. References (1) Gasser G., Rona M., Voloshenko A., Shelkov R., Tal N., Pankratov I., Elhanany S., Lev O. (2010). Quantitative evaluation of tracers for quantification of wastewater contamination of potable water sources. Environmental Science and Technology , 15, 44(10), 3919-3925. (2) Israel Ministry of Health (2011). Survey on metals in residential drinking water supply system (Hebrew). http://www.health.gov.il/PublicationsFiles/water_nov2011.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (3) Israel Ministry of Health (2012). The sanitation quality of drinking water in Israeli drinking water sources: Microbial and chemical tests report 2009-2010 (Hebrew). http://www.health.gov.il/PublicationsFiles/water-report-2009-2010.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (4) Israel Ministry of Health (2013). Public health regulations 2013, the sanitary quality of drinking water and drinking water facilities . http://www.health.gov.il/Subjects/Environmental_Health/drinking_water/Documents/Briut47-Eng.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (5) Israel Water Authority. Detecting, preventing, and treating groundwater contamination 2011 (Hebrew). http://www.water.gov.il/Hebrew/ProfessionalInfoAndData/Water-Quality/DocLib5/sikum_Infection2011.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (6) Lennon M.A., Whelton H., Sgan-Cohen H.D. (2013). Need to put children’s oral health first in Israeli debate on water fluoridation. Community Dental Health , 30, 198-199. (7) Spungen J.H., Goldsmith R., Stahl Z., Reifen R. (2013). Desalination of water: Nutritional considerations. The Israel Medical Association Journal , 15(4), 164-168. - 35 - Chemical Parameters in Drinking Water
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