Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
There is considerable evidence that acute and chronic exposure to pesticides is harmful to human health, especially to the digestive system, the respiratory system, the endocrine system (due to exposure to atrazine, for example), and the central nervous system (due to exposure to organophosphates). Some pesticides have also been linked to cancer, (carbaryl, for example). Epidemiological studies indicate that developing fetuses, infants, and children are particularly sensitive to pesticides. Current Regulations Four government entities approve pesticides in Israel, in accordance with their intended use: agricultural use in plants (Plant Protection Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – MoAg); veterinary use (Veterinary Services, MoAg); sanitation (Ministry of Environmental Protection – MoEP); and use in contact with the human body (Ministry of Health - MoH). In each of these entities, there is an inter-ministerial advisory committee including representatives of the MoH, MoEP, MoAg and the Ministry of Economy (MoE). The inter-ministerial committee that approves pesticides for agricultural use also includes a representative of the public. The role of these committees is to assess the safety of proposed pesticides from the perspective of human health and the environment, and to recommend uses and restrictions or to prohibit use. The Director of Occupational Safety and Health at the MoE is responsible for occupational safety related to pesticide manufacture and use. Pesticides Chapter 5 - 37 - Pesticides
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