Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Data on Pesticide Use and Exposure Pesticide Residues The MoAg is responsible for sampling pesticide residues in food during the growing and packaging stage, while the MoH is responsible for sampling the produce during the sales and marketing stage. Ordinarily there is no overlap between the sampling performed by the two ministries who do coordinate their efforts. Any irregular result found in the market is passed on to the MoAg for further investigation. The National Food Service at the MoH samples 800 to 1,000 items annually in accordance with its annual plan. The Plant Protection and Inspection Services has an annual program for field sampling and inspection of agricultural produce intended for the local market, with about 700 tests conducted each year. The Veterinary Services publish an annual report, which is available online, on residues found in animal products. A risk assessment published by the National Food Service in 2013 summarizes data on exposure to pesticide residues in food from 2006 to 2010, as sampled by the MoAg and MoH. Over 5,500 samples were tested in over 100 different food products. In 625 samples, which comprise 11.2% of all samples, pesticide residues were found in excess of the maximum permitted residue level. It is important to note that the risk assessment uses theoretical calculations of the adult Israeli diet based on market data. In 2011–2012, the MoH tested over 1,300 food samples; pesticide residues in excess of the maximum permitted residue level were found in 13.5% of the samples. The findings are available on the National Food Service website. In 2011–2012, the MoAg Plant Protection Services tested about 1,500 plant samples; pesticide residues in excess of the maximum permitted residue level were found in about 6% of the samples. In the Veterinary Services (MoAg) annual survey of pesticide residues in animal products in 2011–2012, 14 types of products from eight different types of animals were tested. More than 2,000 samples were tested for pesticide residues; no excess level of pesticide residues was found in any of the samples. Data on Registered Pesticide Formulations An estimated 72% of all pest control formulations in Israel are used in plant agriculture and about 13% are for veterinary use (primarily for farm animals, but also for pets). As of the second half of 2014, there are 386 active ingredients permitted for use in agricultural pest control in Israel. In Europe by comparison, there are 449 active ingredients used as agricultural pesticides. No maximum permitted residue level has been defined for 130 of the active ingredients registered in Israel – either because the method of using them ensures that no residue will be found in the produce or because no level of residue in the produce is Environmental Health in Israel 2014 Chapter 5 - 40 -
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