Environmental Health in Israel | 2014

References (1) Berman T., Goldsmith R., Göen T., Spungen J., Novack L., Levine H., Amitai Y., Shohat T., Grotto I. (2013). Urinary concentrations of organophosphate pesticide metabolites in adults in Israel: Demographic and dietary predictors. Environment International , 60, 183-189. (2) Central Bureau of Statistics (2013). Pesticides in Israel 2008-2010 . http://www.cbs.gov.il/publications13/pesticides2010_1497/pdf/e_print.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (3) The Hebrew University Center of Excellence in Agriculture and Environmental Health (2012). Exposure of Israeli children to pesticides via food consumption . http://www.environmental-health.huji.ac.il/exposure-children.html (retrieved July 2014). (4) Israel Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (2013). National plan for agriculture and rural areas in Israel, policy planning document – Report No. 1: Characterizing, mapping and outlining trends (Hebrew). http://www.moag.gov.il/agri/files/rep_1_idkun30102013.PDF (retrieved July 2014). (5) Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection (1994). Hazardous substances regulations (registration of preparations for the control of pests harmful to humans) , 5754-1994. http://www.sviva.gov.il/English/Legislation/Documents/Hazardous%20Substances%20Laws%20and%20 Regulations/HazardousSubstancesRegulations-RegistrationOfPreparationsForControlOfHarmfulPests-1994.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (6) Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection (Feb 2014), List of pesticide preparations registered for sanitation needs (Hebrew). http://www.sviva.gov.il/subjectsEnv/PestControl/extermination/Documents/PecticidesList2014Public.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (7) The Knesset Research and Information Center (2010). Report on the use of pesticides in agriculture (Hebrew). http://www.knesset.gov.il/mmm/data/pdf/m02510.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (8) National Food Service, Israel Ministry of Health. Pesticides residues in food (Hebrew). http://www.health.gov.il/UnitsOffice/HD/PH/FCS/contaminants/Pages/pesticides.aspx (retrieved July 2014). (9) Plant Protection and Inspection Services, Israel Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (1999). Pesticides Data Bank. http://www.hadbara.moag.gov.il/hadbara/english / (retrieved July 2014). (10) Plant Protection and Inspection Services, Israel Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (2014). Notice to public: Interministerial committee revising carbamate pesticide formulations (Hebrew). http://www.ppis.moag.gov.il/NR/rdonlyres/21A1DBB8-A58E-48B0-91C7-5C7349150F1B/0/hodaa_rivizia.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (11) The State Comptroller and Ombudsman Israel (2012). Annual Report No. 62 for 2011, Chapter two: Ministry of environmental protection - environmental protection in the agricultural space (pages 467-499) (Hebrew). http://www.mevaker.gov.il/he/Reports/Report_117/7a44cb07-45ac-48be-a727-35d22bde8437/7541.pdf (retrieved July 2014). - 45 - Pesticides

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