Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Preface - 5 - This first edition of Environmental Health in Israel is intended to provide a baseline against which we can measure the extent to which we have moved towards our goal when we reassess our progress several years down the line. Although there has been progress in the field of environmental health over the past seven years, there remains much room for improvement. Read Dr. Linda Birnbaum’s concluding chapter to get a sense of what that agenda should look like. Our hope is that Environmental Health in Israel 2014 will help lay out the priorities for work in this field for the next five to seven years. I would like to thank the Board and the Staff of the Environment and Health Fund for their commitment to this project. Thanks are due to Na'ama Shilony, Logistics Coordinator at EHF, for her investment of time and effort in the production of this report. Ruth Ostrin, PhD Director Environment and Health Fund
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