Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Environmental Health in Israel 2014 Chapter 6 - 52 - References (1) Codex Alimentarius, Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs. Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF) . http://www.codexalimentarius.org/committees-task-forces/en/?provide=committeeDetail&idList=39 (retrieved July 2014). (2) Goldstein M., Shenker M., Chefetz B. (2014). Insights into the uptake processes of wastewater-borne pharmaceuticals by vegetables. Environmental Science and Technology , 48(10), 5593-5600. (3) The Hebrew University Center of Excellence in Agriculture and Environmental Health. http://www.environmental-health.huji.ac.il (retrieved July 2014). (4) National Food Service, Israel Ministry of Health (2013). Guidelines for maximum permissible concentrations of heavy metals in food 2009 (Hebrew). http://www.health.gov.il/UnitsOffice/HD/PH/FCS/Documents/Regulations/Reg_01022007.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (5) National Food Services, Israel Ministry of Health (2013). Summary of dioxins and dioxin-like PCB compounds in food survey 2013 (Hebrew). http://www.health.gov.il/PublicationsFiles/dioxine2013.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (6) National Food Service, Israel Ministry of Health (2013). Summary results of monitoring mycotoxins in food in Israel 2008-2012 (Hebrew). http://www.health.gov.il/PublicationsFiles/mycotoxins2008_2012.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (7) National Food Services, Israel Ministry of Health (2008). Survey of dioxins and dioxin-like PCB compounds in food in Israel (Hebrew). http://www.health.gov.il/PublicationsFiles/Dioxins2008.pdf (retrieved July 2014). (8) Programme for the Promotion of Chemical Safety, World Health Organization. Persistent Organic Pollutants . http://www.chem.unep.ch/pops/indxhtms/manexp12.html (retrieved July 2014). (9) Shenker M., Harush D., Ben-Ari J., Chefetz B. (2011). Uptake of carbamazepine by cucumber plants: A case study related to irrigation with reclaimed wastewater. Chemosphere , 82(6), 905-910.
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