Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Chemicals in Consumer Products Exposure to chemicals in consumer products has been associated mostly with acute health outcomes, such as lead poisoning following ingestion of toys and lead contaminated paint. In addition, there is evidence that consumer products contribute significantly to overall exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) such as phthalates, flame retardants, and triclosan. Current Policy and Standards In Israel the only consumer products that undergo a formal registration process, as mandated by legislation, are pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products. As discussed in the chapter on pesticides, pesticides for household, agricultural and garden use, or for use on pets, are registered by the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MoEP) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoAg). The Ministry of Health (MoH) registers pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and pesticides in direct contact with the body, such as mosquito sprays and formulations for lice treatment. The MoH adopted European policy on cosmetic products from 2009 prohibiting many chemicals for use in cosmetic products, including lead, arsenic, benzene, dibutyl phthalate, diethylhexyl phthalate, and benzyl butyl phthalate. Formaldehyde is permitted in nail hardening products at a concentration up to 5%. The MoH also registers medical equipment according to the Medical Equipment Law enacted in 2012. In July 2013, the MoH published a notice stating that all pharmacies must stop selling thermometers Chapter 7 - 53 - Chemicals in Consumer Products
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