Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
and sphygmomanometers containing mercury by the end of 2014, and that hospitals and clinics must phase out mercury containing thermometers and sphygmomanometers over the course of 2014. There are numerous Israeli standards addressing the chemical content of consumer products, mainly those used by infants and/or children or those in contact with food. These standards, which fall under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy (MoE) are generally based on, or adopted from, international standards. According to the Standards Law, the MoE can declare that a standard is mandatory if the standard is required to protect public health, safety, or the environment. If a mandatory standard applies to a product, that product cannot be produced, sold, imported, or exported unless the product meets the requirements of the standard. The following table (Table 1) lists the major Israeli standards relating to chemical contaminants in consumer products and notes whether the standards are mandatory or voluntary. Israeli Standards Addressing Chemical Contaminants in Consumer Products Table 1 Environmental Health in Israel 2014 Chapter 7 562 1498 5817 14372 1157 12586 1637 809 1945 756 539 1084 1003 1003 1003 part 2 5113 1104 5452 5562 Toys Playground equipment Baby bottles and drinking containers Eating utensils for children Pacifiers Pacifier holders Paints Wood products Ceramic-ware in contact with food Glassware in contact with food Vitreous and enameled metal- ware in contact with food Plastic materials in contact with food PVC packages for food, pharmaceuticals and personal care products Equipment in contact with drinking water Metal products in contact with human body (e.g. earrings, watches) Heavy metals, phthalates Heavy metals, phthalates Heavy metals, bisphenol A, nitrosamines, 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole, antioxidants Heavy metals, bisphenol A, phthalates, nickel Nitrosamines and volatile organic compounds Heavy metals, primary aromatic amines, phthalates, nickel, monomers Heavy metals Formaldehyde Heavy metals (lead and cadmium) Heavy metals (lead and cadmium) Heavy metals (lead and cadmium) Total migration, Bisphenol A, formaldehyde Vinyl chloride monomer Heavy metals, genotoxicity Nickel Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Voluntary Mandatory Mandatory Voluntary Mandatory (partial) Mandatory Voluntary Voluntary Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory (based on Drinking Water Regulations) Mandatory Standard Number Product Contaminants Mandatory or Voluntary - 54 -
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