Environmental Health in Israel | 2014
Exposure to non-ionizing radiation is ubiquitous. Sources include visible light, lasers, infrared radiation, radio frequency (RF) radiation from wireless communication facilities: cellphones, cellular networks, television and radio broadcast facilities, as well as radiation of extremely low frequency (ELF) from electrical facilities. Exposure to sources of non-ionizing radiation has been associated with negative health effects. Exposure to radio waves, for example can cause localized tissue heating. Non-thermal effects have yet to be proven, but they are the subject of much ongoing research. Epidemiological research indicates that exposure to magnetic fields around electrical facilities at levels of 3–4 milligauss increases risk of leukemia in children. Current Regulations and Policy The Non-Ionizing Radiation Law (2006) entered into effect in January 2007 with the goal of protecting the public and the environment from the effects of exposure to non-ionizing radiation, in accordance with the precautionary principle. Standards addressing non-ionizing radiation were approved in 2009. The law and the standards which pertain to exposure to non-ionizing radiation from artificial sources regulate both licensing and the level of expertise required for individuals working with sources of non-ionizing radiation. In addition, the regulations mandate monitoring levels of non- ionizing radiation and publicizing the information. Non-Ionizing Radiation Chapter 10 - 67 - Non-Ionizing Radiation
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