Israel Africa | Business Guide | 2020
With its proven track record and global presence, BERMAD offers ongoing support in integrated irrigation solutions; providing protected, efficient, and reliable hydraulic systems for long-term, accurate, and uniform irrigation control. Whether for bulk water supply systems, water distribution network grids, or pumping stations and delivery lines, BERMAD offers robust and reliable solutions that help optimize water usage, maximize energy efficiency, reduce costs & protect water systems. Surge Analysis and Protection • Pumping stations (start-up, shutdown, pump trip) • Sudden closing of valves or end of line fill-up • Opening and closing of large irrigation blocks All system sizes Analysis Program operated by Professionals to provide selection and integration of anti-surge solutions. Pressure and Flow Control • Accumulating distance of irrigation units from the pressure source • Differences of unit sizes in terms of flow and required operational pressure • Variety of irrigation methods (e.g. flood, drip, sprinklers, pivots) and crops water requirements These challenges can be addressed by the accurate planning, sizing & locating of flow meters, control valves & air valves. Wa t e r C o n t r o l S o l u t i o n s Agro-Olmos Sugar Cane Irrigation Project, Peru Irrigating 9,200 Ha by 97 Pivot Centers @ total flow rate of 33,930 m³/h Bardial Sugar Cane Irrigation Project (Phases 1, 2 & 3), Senegal Irrigating 3,000 Ha by Drip Irrigation @ total flow rate of 15,000 m³/h “Package-21” Lift Irrigation Project, India Water supply system to irrigate 80,000 Ha by 3,800 Control Heads with 16,000 Plot-Valves As a recognized world leader in water flow management, BERMAD delivers protection and efficiency. Its proven water and control management solutions include state-of-the-art hydraulic control valves, advanced water meters and air valves. Projects Reference C70 Air Valve 700 SIGMA Series Valve MUT2200EL Euromag Sensor The sooner is in the picture, the safer and efficient your project gets
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