Isra-Tech | april 2023

this is the desire to prevent damage that is already occurring and will occur and to build resilience. Made in Israel for the world For some years now, Israel has stood at the forefront of climate innovation, particularly in the following areas and it's interesting to see how technology developed for indigenous use is sought-after by the world today. Water: Israel is situated in an arid region, with limited natural water sources. Yet, it has developed a five- pronged approach to managing its water resources starting with saving water, water treatment and water recycling (Israel holds the world record in wastewater treatment: about 94 per cent of all wastewater is treated), seawater desalination (Israel’s desalination is one of the most advanced in the world), prevention of leaks in water supply and transmission systems – with only fewpercents of water loss this s another world record, and lastly, with a sophisticated water management system that’s the best in the world. Agriculture: Israel is aworld leader in the field of agriculture, pioneeringmany methods to cultivate and grow, with high yields per hectare, crops in arid lands. Israel has developed ways to save and optimize the use of water and reduce emission of greenhouse gases, and share these methods with a world dealing with climate crisis. Israel’s drip irrigationmethods are world renowned as is its precision agriculture and the implementation of the use of sensors and technology in agriculture. Israel also leads in research and development of drought and heat-resistant varieties of crops. It employs remote sensing and the use of satellites and drones for better crop management. Israel has also propagated the use of biological pesticides and the use of brackish or salty water in agriculture, and much more. Alternative protein for a cleaner planet Israel ranks second in the world after the USA in the development of and investments in alternative proteins. Proteins of this type are increasingly replacing proteins that come fromanimal sources such asmeat, chicken, dairy products, eggs, etc., the production of which has a very heavy impact on the climate and the Earth’s environment. There are three kinds of alternative proteins developed in Israel - vegetable protein, cultured meat and proteins produced in the process of fermentation using bacteria such as cow’s milk, honey andmore. Vegetable protein highly imitates - in taste, texture, structure and mouthfeel - meat, chicken, fish, and seafood of all kinds, or substitutes for dairy products such as soy milk, almonds, oats, etc., vegetarian cheeses, yogurt, etc. Another alternative protein is cultured meat, meat grown in a laboratory using tissues originally taken from animals. Renewable energies In its approach to providing solutions for a cleaner, greener planet, hundreds of companies in Israel are engaged in the development of renewable energies such as generating electricity from sea waves, attaining energy efficiency using smart algorithms and big data, energy storage, for example, in compressed air or ice, increasing the efficiency of the electricity grids and enabling the connection of renewable energies to them and more. Israeli companies in these fields are active around the world and are establishing significant projects. Ambassador Gideon Behar PR Photo 11

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