Isra-Tech | april 2023

Nature-based solutions Despite being a small and relatively young country, Israel has gained a lot of experience in restoring natural systems, restoring species to nature and reforesting semi-arid areas. This experience is essential in a world which is feeling the effects of global warming - forests are dying due to overheating, fires and diseases that come with the climate crisis. Sustainable transportation Israel is making huge strides in the field of smart transportation that helps reduce emissions and increase efficiency in transportation. The focus has been on smart systems for the autonomous vehicles of the future, as well as two-wheeler cooperative transportation projects in the big cities such as scooters and bicycles and the electrification of the rail system. Carbon capture and its storage This is a field that is developing very rapidly in the world and has a very large business potential. In Israel, a growing number of companies and startups are engaged in this field, both through the direct capture of carbon dioxide from the air, and through nature-based solutions such as the restoration of wetlands and moist habitats. Israeli entrepreneurs are also promoting this field abroad through planting forests, restoringmangrove forests, etc. There are other companies and startups operating in the field of collecting information on carbon sequestration in the soil, plants and seas. They are able to give an accurate picture of how much carbon or methane has been removed from the atmosphere or the sea and thus assist companies engaged in this field to receive emissions reduction credits for their activity and sell it on the emissions markets. Use of materials and circular economy Many startups and companies are working today to maximize the use of materials in industry and consumption and to increase the ability to recycle them to promote a circular economy. Other materials are being developed such as biodegradable plastic from waste, environmentally friendly concrete, recycling materials from the textile industry, using algae to create materials for consumption and industry and more. Civil/social climate innovations In Israel, there are close to 150 civil society organizations active in the field of climate and environment protection. They developmany innovations, ideas and chart a path in fighting the climate crisis. Examples of this are the "Clean Money Forum" of the Life and Environment organization, the President's Forumon Climate Change, which includes dozens of civil society participants who promote ideas to combat the climate crisis, and more. Ideas for projects and policy improvement are constantly coming from civil society and climate and environmental organizations that are developing many solutions to deal with the climate crisis. Through its solutions to reduce the impact of environmental damage and climate crisis, Israel has always made its support clear to the global community that it is ready to supply and develop innovative and practical solutions to reduce the climate crisis facing the world. Israel’s message to the world has always been proactive when it comes to providing solutions for the climate crisis. Israel is and willing to cooperate and contribute to the global challenge in dealing with the climate crisis, through the supply and development of innovative and practical solutions. 12 Climate Tech Isra-Tech Israeli Technologies Magazine April 2023 Israeli Climate Innovations

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