Isra-Tech | april 2023

Indisca, Food processing factory, Tamil Nadu, India Watershed Managment, HGA, Hydrabad, India Watershed Management, Nice, France Ganey Tikva, U rban Onsite Solution, Israel Ampa Building, Commercial center, Onsite Solution, Tel Aviv, Israel The Portable NBS, Sustainable Solution for the rural Learn more: Contact us at: Phone: +972-77-700-8156 Transforming the approach to Watershed Management toward Global Water Security, Carbon Footprint Reduction, & Environmental Equilibrium. Naturally, reversing Climate Change impacts The NBS Advantages: • No Energy or Chemical input • No byproducts • Fast and easy installation • Negligible operation costs • Initial High Quality effluent • withstands uctuation in inffluent • Naturally improves over time • Aesthetically pleasing & Educational A Y A L A Nature based solution experts

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