Isra-Tech | april 2023

For more information: ● T he Israeli renewable energy market has seen its fair share of struggles, but it also holds immense promise for the future. Despite numerous challenges, one company in particular, Doral Group [TASE: DORL], has been promoting sustainable energy and investing in Israel’s future. Doral Group is an innovative renewable energy company committed to promoting sustainability and green energy worldwide. Doral develops, designs, and constructs renewable energy projects, with a focus on solar and energy storage, wind, waste-to-energy, Agro-voltaic and Green Hydrogen. Doral was the first to connect a solar facility to the grid in Israel and contributed significantly to reducing Israel’s dependence on fossil fuels. By investing in renewable energy, Israel can fight climate change, reduce carbon emissions, and promote energy independence. Doral invests in renewable energy in Israel as a new form of Zionism, ensuring the sustainability of Israel. Innovation will lead the way In 2022 , renewable energy accounted for only 10 per cent of Israel's total energy consumption, lagging behind most OECD countries. To improve, Israel must leverage its expertise in innovation. This seems to be the key to mitigating challenges facing the Israeli renewable energy market, including limited land availability for large-scale projects. Doral has implemented innovative solutions such as floating solar panels on fishponds and agro-voltaic projects that effectively use land for both solar and agriculture to maximize available resources. Doral's technology allows the integration of solar energy with sophisticated agricultural practices. In parallel, Doral's corporate Venture Capital arm, Doral-Tech, invests heavily in energy innovation, providing expertise, capital, and strategic support to bring ground breaking technologies to the market. As these technologies mature, Doral integrates them into its projects and brings even more added value. Promoting sustainability By investing in renewable energy, Doral not only promotes sustainability but also contributes to Israel’s economic development. Doral is at the forefront of Israel's efforts to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, making a significant contribution towards achieving the goal of generating 30 % of the country's electricity from renewable sources by 2030 . Another important step in this direction is expected in January 2024 , when consumers will be able to purchase electricity directly from renewable energy producers and Doral will be selling more green energy than any other company in Israel. As Israel prioritizes renewable energy, Doral Group will remain at the forefront of this essential industry, promoting Israel's values of innovation, progress, and social responsibility. Doral: Leading the Way in the Renewable Energy Industry This innovative renewable energy powerhouse is building impactful green projects in Israel and worldwide Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is to present the activities of Doral Group Renewable Energy Resources Ltd. (hereinafter: "Doral"). This article does not constitute an offer for investment and/or the purchase of securities of Doral and in particular does not constitute an "offer to the public" or a "sale to the public" or an invitation to receive such offers. Photo: Doral 19 Climate Tech April 2023 Israeli Technologies Magazine Isra-Tech Renewable Energy

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