Isra-Tech | april 2023

C limate change has created major disruptions in precipitation patterns much earlier than anticipated and the world is feeling its effects. This has meant that those regions which were water-stressed are now reaching drought levels, and even the previously water-rich areas are now facing water shortages. In the past, many water supply systems could simply rely on traditional/standard water sources, i.e., rainwater, surface water, and groundwater. Now, regulators and utilities are struggling to maintain resilient and steady water supply in cities in the face of climate uncertainty and are looking for ways to augment current water resources. The need of the hour is new and untapped water sources. One challenge that has grown to be disturbingly inefficient and counterproductive to the water cycle is water loss in urban distribution networks, reaching between 25 % to 50 % of supplied water. Water loss has historically been regarded as an unavoidable reality of life partially due to a lack of comprehensive solutions to address this burgeoning problem. Under these circumstances, water loss has been seen to reach alarming proportions at a time of accelerated urban expansion compounded by climate variability. Fortunately, the fundamental premise that wide-scope water loss is inescapable is no longer valid, with the recent introduction of a game-changing water-loss harvesting intervention by Curapipe, which reports a water loss reduction efficiency of 93 %. By applying the intervention broadly on the distribution network, significant new water sourcing is now possible (see box). How is Water-Loss Harvesting performed? TransformingWater Loss to Water Source Water loss has reached alarming global proportions making Curapipe’s water- loss harvesting intervention a timely game-changer For more information: Curapipe System, Ltd. ● What is Water-Loss Harvesting? Acutting-edgeone-time interventionperformed on an urbanwater distribution network for the purpose of continuously recouping themajor portion of water lost in the system. Curapipe is a water-tech innovation company from Israel working closely with partners globally on game-changing the water loss paradigm. Its technology is now field proven. Curapipe Water-Loss Harvesting for a City Scalable to any size city ( 3 -year project) For example: a city supplying 170 , 000 m 3 of water, 2 , 000 km of mains, 35 % water loss Harvesting 800 km per annum Performed by up to 8 - 10 limited size teams Results: Year 1 harvest 27 , 000 m 3 of water per day Year 2 harvest 45 , 000 m 3 of water per day Year 3 harvest 55 , 000 m 3 of water per day A 50 % increase of consumable water! Harvested energy for Year 3 is 11 MWh/d plus production and transmission energy Non-revenue water is leveled off at 2 % to 4 % Minimum social disruption Fastest & most cost-effective solution 20 Climate Tech Isra-Tech Israeli Technologies Magazine April 2023 Water Secure

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