Isra-Tech | april 2023

rolling out large-scale precision irrigation projects and raising yields on staple and extensive crops: The Largest CommunityAgricultureProject in theWorld Netafim’s Ramthal community irrigation project was a unique project, delivering equitable water supply and prosperous agriculture to 7 , 000 smallholders across 22 communities in the Karnataka region of India, an area previously starved of water. The project demonstrates the tremendous success that’s possible when Netafim joins forces with governmental agencies, contractors andwater infrastructure bodies to modernize rural communities for lasting socio-economic growth. Significant Environmental Benefits for Growing Rice Rice feeds more than half of humanity on a daily basis. Yet traditional methods of growing rice in flooded paddies requires almost 20 per cent of the planet’s arable land and 40 per cent of our freshwater, while generating more than 10 per cent of the planet’s man-made climate- warmingmethane. By applying precision irrigation to rice production, Netafim has pioneered the drip irrigated rice revolution lowering water consumption by 70 per cent, slashing heavy metal absorption and methane emissions to almost zero. Sugar Mills Adopting Drip Irrigation Sugarcane contributes to 20 per cent of global sugar production and 84 per cent of global sugarcane-based ethanol production, according to the OECD. Netafim showed that using precision irrigation to change the way sugar is grown can increase the yield by up to 50 per cent when compared to sprinkler systems or flood irrigation, and up to 200 per cent higher than with rain-fed plantations. For example, Bevap, the operator of Brazil’s largest sugar mill, rolled out Netafim’s precision irrigation and increased sugarcane yields from 70 tons per hectare to up to 180 tons per hectare from this area. Similarly, Netafim’s precision irrigation has enabled Tanzania and other African sugarcane producers to grow record yields in semi-desert conditions. Majorly Reducing Carbon Footprint of Corn and Increasing Yield Netafimhas totally changed agricultural reality in climates as diverse as the USA, Turkey, Italy, China, Australia and Brazil, maximizing profits and ensuring consistent results for farmers. Corn is the third largest plant-based food source in the world, with 1 . 2 billionmetric tons produced in the last year for use as food for humans and livestock, as a biofuel and as a crude material for industrial purposes. Netafim found that corn grownwith drip irrigation releases 53 per cent less carbon compared to flood-irrigated corn, and 39 per cent less compared to sprinkler irrigation. Precision-irrigated corn requires up to 24 per cent less fertilizer and produces up to 45 per cent more kilograms per hectare when compared to flood irrigation. Building Growing Partnerships Governments and decision makers can harness precision agriculture to ensure a climate-proof food supply and economic stability. Today, the best way to deliver bigger, better, more profitable yields is also themost sustainable. Precision irrigation is about reversing the relationship between cost and output. It’s about delivering the perfect amount of water and nutrients straight to the roots of each plant, empowering farmers with a reliable yield while reducing the environmental impact and creating sustainable economic prosperity. Food insecurity should not be our destiny - the technology and the deployment experience both exist. All that remains is for industry, governments and communities to join forces. Together, innovative partnerships can be created for more farmers to grow any crop on any topography in any climate and in any type of soil, anywhere in the world, with higher yields andwith lower water and fertilizer usage. Netafim is transforming the lives of millions of growers around the world. Together, partnerships can continue to drive prosperity and ensure a more sustainable, more secure food supply for humanity. See how Netafim’s solutions are changing the economics of agriculture and helping the world grow more with less at

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