Isra-Tech | april 2023

Photo: Naftali Hilgar W ater is life. Without this precious resource, life on earth would be impossible. Mekorot, the national water company of Israel, knows it only too well. For 86 years, Merokot has used innovation, technology and continuous research to tap this very precious but scarce resource, and distribute and manage its supply equitably. Merokot continues to develop the water sector while supplying Israel and its neighboring countries with water, while also reducing its carbon footprint and energy costs. The bottom line is a constant battle between using nature’s resource judiciously while also being eco-sensitive. Since it was founded, Mekorot has been driven by the Israeli spirit of daring, sophistication, and innovation. The location of Israel on the edge of a desert, meagre water resources that are constantly under security threats and a looming climate crisis, has multiplied Mekorot’s challenges. But with breakthroughs in knowledge, capabilities, and water technologies, Mekorot makes sure it’s end user - the family at home, the farmer in the field, the worker in the factory – is provided with a constant and reliable supply of water. Despite the challenges, the results it has achieved in the water sector have positioned Mekorot as one of the leading water companies in the world and contributed to the consolidation of Israel's standing as a water powerhouse in the OECD. InMay 2022 , the organization of the world's top water companies - Global Water Initiative (GWI), announced that Mekorot would join the forum of the world's top six water companies. Two years ago, in 2020 , GWI ranked Israel's water sector fourth in the world, declaring that Mekorot was one of the best companies in the world in operational efficiency thanks to its low water depreciation rate of 4 % compared with the OECD average of 15 %. Managing Limited Water Resources with Unlimited Solutions Mekorot is not only applying its learnings to solve water issues within Israel but in neighbouring and far-off countries like Jordan and Argentina as well A dynamic company in a changing climate Mekorot supplies more than 1 . 7 billion cubic metres of water to about 12 million consumers in homes, farms, and factories, including the Palestinian Authority and the Kingdom of Jordan under diplomatic agreements. The company operates around 13 , 000 km of pipelines, 3 , 000 production and supply facilities, 1 , 200 wells, 1 , 000 reservoirs and pools and 25 desalination plants On thebasisof theknowhow, experience, and capabilities that Mekorot has acquired, it strives to realize the vast potential of water as a resource through investment in startups, business collaborations, applied research, and in-house innovation to develop patentable products. When experience and technology meet In the last 86 years, Mekorot has become the byword for technological innovation, multidisciplinary professionalism, and financial soundness. Its proven advantages have enabled it to manage different water sources in an integrated way, develop mega-projects from an overall perspective, implement a circular water sector, and undertake advanced work processes that support its business and operational goals. Garnot Desalination plant 28 Climate Tech Isra-Tech Israeli Technologies Magazine April 2023 Water Management

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