Isra-Tech | april 2023

Key features of Mekorot's operations: Financial soundness: Since 2003 , Mekorot has consistently had the highest rating of ilAAA from Standard & Poor's Maalot. In 2019 , for the first time, Mekorot issued tradable bonds on the basis of a prospectus to the general public in Israel. Since then, Mekorot has filed with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Strategic water management: Mekorotprides itself inprovidingan integratedsolution mix. Thanks to its multidisciplinary professionalism, the company operates advanced water carrier management and operational models to optimally integrate different kinds of water, desalinated seawater and brackish water, treat effluents, recycle marginal water for agricultural use, restore water sources to proper quality, secure water sources, and more. Extensive international operations: In March 2021 , Mekorot signed the first agreement of its kind to build and upgrade thewater systemof theKingdom of Bahrain, following the signing of the AbrahamAccords with PersianGulf andAfrican countries. InSeptember 2021 , Mekorot's supply of water to the Kingdom of Jordan was doubled, and inMarch 2022 , an agreement was signedwith the Azerbaijan government to develop a 30 -year master plan for the local agricultural sector, and in November 2022 came the first agreement in Morocco. In parallel, Mekorot signed agreements towork in Cyprus, Argentina and India, to cater to their needs in the water sector. Digital revolution: In recent years, Mekorot has undergone a comprehensive digital transformation interfacing its OT and IT systems into a uniform command. At the same time, the company has improved it cyber defense capabilities for critical infrastructures. Alongside its vast knowledge of water, the company is at the forefront of installing innovative water technologies. The company has contracted with eight energy management, infrastructure protection, and big data startups to improve its operations as well as its marketing capabilities to make it ready to provide worldwide solutions to the climate crisis. Sustainable development: The increasing global aridity is nothing new for Mekorot since it has dealt with the problems of water shortages. But it’s also aware of how to lead with creative solutions. Mekorot is implementing a policy of sustainable development to protect water sources and the environment for the next generations.. The company uses accepted methodologies to measure its carbon footprint, as part of its support for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). DuringMarch 2023 Mekorot’s CEOAmit Lang announced the establishment of the International Water Forum, which will convene once a year and focus on the global effort to solve the global water shortage, which has affected numerous countries. “The sharing of the information we have, and the use of Israeli innovation and water sector start-ups can lead us to a safer future in the current reality of global warming and climate crisis,” said Lang. Langmade his remarks at the UNWorldWater Conference held in New York. Mekorot plans to offer its accumulated knowledge about the water sector and its management to various countrieswhile sharing advanced ideas andmodels for managing shortages in a desert environment or areas lacking advanced water transmission infrastructures. Reducing the carbon footprint: Mekorot is Israel's largest civilian consumer of electricity ( 4 to 5 % of annual demand), and it is acting to reduce its energy costs, which will reduce both water rates and the company's carbon footprint. Last year, the company launched a project to cover the sides of its water reservoirs with solar panels with the support of the Government Companies Authority and Accountant General at the Ministry of Finance. Mekorot has also begun installing fibre optics along its water lines, which help its routine monitoring of malfunctions and leaks, but also can serve the privatemarket through nationwide high-speed internet communications, especially in the periphery and Judea and Samaria, and reduce construction in open areas. For more details: Photo: Mekorot Mekorot's CEO Amit Lang announcing the establishment of the World Water Forum, in context on the UN Water Conference, March 2023

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