Isra-Tech | april 2023

T he growing concern and awareness of the consequences of the climate crisis are reflected in the latest decisions taken at climate conferences - from the Paris Agreement to Sharm El Sheikh. It is no doubt that the impact and pressure of public opinion have led international corporations and governments around the world to publicly and officially commit to targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while making massive investments in the transition to renewable energies. The prevailing consensus today among scientists and policy makers is the urgent need to reduce GHG emissions by about 50 per cent by 2030 , and to zero by 2050 , with the goal of not exceeding the threshold of 1 . 5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. At the same time, it is agreed that technological innovation must be harnessed in order to successfully face the undeniable consequences of global warming. This innovationmust be channeled into two parallel paths: adaptation (adaptation to environmental conditions) and mitigation (reducing climate change by different means). This understanding has given rise to a new area called Climatech, which brings together a variety of climate-oriented technologies - from renewable energies, through Food and Agtech, to green construction techniques. This is where Israel enters the arena as a global hub for the development of new climate technologies. Some of these technologies have successfully passed the commercialization stage and some are still in the R&D stages, while holding a promising business potential. This is especially true considering the apparent gap between what the world needs at this time, in terms of technologies and climate innovation, and what we currently have in practice. The technologies that are being developed in Israel will be able to provide practical solutions to countries, government agencies and commercial companies which have committed to reducing greenhouse gases. For these stake holders, the Israeli Climatech industry is a promising venture of great potential, both to invest and collaborate with, for the purpose of accelerating the global markets’ position to Net Zero. Solutions at the forefront of technology Many climate-oriented companies are operating in Israel today, presenting solutions at the forefront of technology. Take for example the company GenCell, which produces electrical solutions based on hydrogen fuel cells. The company's scientists have developed a process in which electricity can be generated from hydrogen without emitting greenhouse gases. This breakthrough makes it possible to provide the first green primary energy solution for off-grid industries, at a lower cost than other polluting solutions. We are also witnessing impressive developments in the Israeli Climatech: One-stop Solution to Climate Change With the most advanced solutions to the challenges of global climate change being developed here, the world is looking at Israel to play a significant role | Hila Lipman Hila Lipman is the head of the Cleantech and Smart Infrastructure sector at the Israel Export Institute. The institute is a partner in the climate forum initiated by the Israeli president, with the aim of representing the needs of the Israeli climate tech industry in the global markets, in cooperation with the Foreign Trade Administration of the Ministry of Economy and Industry. Hila Lipman 30 Climate Tech Isra-Tech Israeli Technologies Magazine April 2023 A global hub for Climate Technologies

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