Isra-Tech | april 2023

Israel should establish broader collaboration in innovating green technologies and use this as a diplomatic channel to promote stability and security in the region. In this context, the EastMed Gas Forum is a platform for multilateral dialogue and engagement where Israel could play this role. Egypt's improved collaboration is already part of this effort. Jordan, the PA, and Israel should strengthen their collaboration, developing innovative solutions that benefit all the actors, as could a triangular electricity- water-energy nexus. Besides the regional dimension which is kind of a “new frontier” for Israeli companies, the EU green deal program launched two years ago is an excellent occasion for Israel’s innovative drive and the EU, who are natural partners, to combine efforts to transform their markets into modern, resource-efficient and competitive economies. “A closer collaboration with Europe can also help Israel improve its climate governance and strengthen green finance and the renewable sector. We must see it as a unique opportunity to jointly shape a common future based on the shared EU-Israeli environmental values” said Dimiter Tzantchev, EU ambassador-designate to Israel of the European Union, and Ambassador Gideon Behar,Israel’s special envoy for climate change and sustainability at the Foreign Ministry. Cooperation with North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia is also very much on the table. As the president of “Israeli Federation of Bi-National Chambers of Commerce and Industry,” I amconfident that the 48 Bi-National Chambers in Israel can and will play a positive role in enhancing, deepening and strengthening cooperation between Israeli climate tech companies and potential international partners. Cooperation between climate tech companies all around the world is essential in order to successfully overcome the challenges of global warming and climate change. Israeli know how and innovative solutions should be made available worldwide to try to successfully combat, slow down and eventually overcome the threat of global warming. The Israeli Federation of Bi-National Chambers of Commerce and Industry: ●● The federation represent 48 BI-National Chambers. ●● Working with the Government on legislation and procedures to facilitate trade and economic relations between Israel and the relevant countries. ●● Join forces with the other economic organizations in Israel to develop, enhance and deepen Israel foreign economic relations. ●● Provide the Bi-National Chambers information and tools to improve their operation ●● Assist the Government in strengthening contacts with the diplomatic delegations in Israel. For more information: 35

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