Isra-Tech | april 2023

Italy: Plans to invest in water reuse and smart irrigation systems YonatanHadar, Head of Israel Economic and TradeMission, Italy Climate change and its effect on the Italian economy are top news in Italy. Yesterday the Italian Minister for Civil Protection and Sea, Nello Musumeci declared that Piemonte and Lombardy are constantly monitored with a registered water deficit of 60 per cent. He declared that a Marshall plan is needed to invest in desalination plants, in water reuse and smart irrigation systems looking at the Israeli Model that does not use potable water for agriculture. In order to bring the Israeli ecosystem closer to Italy, we had two large scale events. The first event was a large scale event that brought together the Italian and Israeli ecosystems. The second event was a delegation of the top managers of the Italian water utilities visiting Israel. In parallel, we arranged more focused events to suggest solutions on specific topics with the region of Lombardy and Piemonte and with private companies. In June 2023 we are going to hold a major event that will bring together the important stakeholders of the water ecosystem in Israel and Italy. Among the different discussions that are going to be held in this event, 10 Israeli startups will present cutting-edge water related technologies. Just a week later in June, we will have a selected group of Italian water utilities and companies visiting Israel with a tailored agenda to their needs. Later on this year in November, we will have a group of 10 Israeli companies that will exhibit in the water and clean technology exhibition Ecomondo in Rimini. The Role of the Foreign Trade Administration, Ministry of Economy and Industry The Foreign Trade Administration formulates and leads the foreign trade policy of the State of Israel. Its main mission is to ( 1 ) increase the Israeli industry competitiveness in global markets; ( 2 ) increase and diversify the Israeli export goods, markets and exporters; ( 3 ) attract quality foreign direct investments. To these purposes, the administration operates an array of 55 offices, spread around the world in selected economic capitals, initiate and establishes Free Trade Agreements to improve Israel's trade conditions and assists Israeli companies' local and global efforts. For more Information, visit Yonatan Hadar Photo by Gideon Sharon 38 Climate Tech Isra-Tech Israeli Technologies Magazine April 2023 Israeli Technology to the World

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