Isra-Tech | april 2023

Renewable Energy ISRAEL'S LARGEST Conference 17-19 December 2023 Eilat, Israel You will meet: The Eilat-Eilot conference is Israel's leading clean energy event, promoting the global shift to clean energy and low carbon economy by presenting innovative technologies, bold policies and impact partnerships. We expect morethan900leadingplayersfromgovernment, business, investors, entrepreneurs, academia, and NGOs will attend. Please join us to share your ideas and be a part of the conversation about our renewable energy future at the upcoming Eilat-Eilot conference. Top Israeli clean energy startups & over 200 investors from Israel & global Israeli government officials from economics, environment and energy ministries. Top academic lecturers from Israeli universities showcasing latest renewable energy research. Entrepreneurs Developers and Industry from Israel and the world For more information visit our website or call 972+8 6371717 Save your seat >>

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