Isra-Tech | april 2023

O ften the fruit and vegetables we buy at supermarkets or grocery stores contain only a handful of the nutritional value that they had when harvested and in addition contain harmful pesticide residues. Therefore, contrary to what we expect, the consumption of purchased fruits and vegetables may even lead to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body. What harms the quality of our vegetables? With each passing day after harvesting, vegetables and fruits lose an average of ten percent of their nutrients. A recent study by the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Arkansas found that vegetables and fruits can lose up to 100 % of their nutrients without a decrease in their external parameters such as their texture and color. Rinsing and processing also contribute to the loss of many of theminerals and vitamins (vitamins are water-soluble). Not the Same Taste: are our Vegetables Really Nutritious? | Alon Wallach | Vegetable and fruit growers benefit according to the weight and beauty of the vegetables they produce and not by their nutritional value. Even the taste and aroma of freshly picked, pesticide-free produce is different from store-bought produce - one can smell and taste the freshness. The difference between what consumers have become accustomed to eating and what they can eat if they consume freshly harvested produce is amazing! How to improve the quality of the vegetables we eat? Buying directly from the farmer: There are various businesses where one can purchase vegetables and fruits directly from the growers. However, it is important to take into account the growingmethods used by these farmers and the time to market of the produce. Currently there are a variety of hydroponic kits that are suitable for home use for those who are interested in learning and engaging in it. For those who cannot install a hydroponic system on their own, or who do not want to commit the effort to a new hobby, there is now the possibility of an autonomous growing device that facilitates growingdozens of types of vegetables in a completely automated way, completely free of chemicals and pesticides. Whichever way you choose, consuming fruit and vegetables is always important and beneficial for good health and awareness of wise consumption will allow you to take your health habits to the next level. Alon Wallach is an agronomist and co-founder of AGWA, a company that develops household appliances for autonomous vegetable cultivation For more information: Climate Tech April 2023 Israeli Technologies Magazine Isra-Tech 09 Agri-tech

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