Israel Japan | Business Guide | 2018
050 >MedTech & Pharma > Takeda Israel Israel-Japan > Business Guide > 2018 T akeda is a patient-focused,innovation-driven global pharmaceutical company that builds on a distinguished 236-year history,aspiring to bring better health and a brighter future for people worldwide. Takeda is known for its proven record of partnerships,collaborations & In-licensing deals around the globe over a few decades.Takeda Israel constitutes a dedicated team of Business Development & Alliance Management who work closely with the Market-Access,Medical and Commercial teams.These teams are are highly skilled in registration, reimbursement and launching programs to deliver long-term success to our partners within the healthcare ecosystem in Israel including leading medical centers,KOLs,the Israeli Ministry of Health,Healthcare providers and HMO's, Life Science VC's and Technology Incubators. Takeda Israel seeks to partner with pharmaceutical companies and biotech startups in order to assist them in distributing their products in Israel and have quick access to the Israeli market. Takeda Israel is also active in the Digital Health arena. We strongly believe in digital as an enabler to provide valuable services to patients. We are constantly scouting for innovative solutions in order to offer value to our patients. Israel – a small country but a lucrative market The Israeli industry was the breeding ground for several commercial success stories, such as Mobileye, leader in autonomous driving (recently acquired by Intel for $15.3B),Checkpoint Ltd.,market leaders in software security systems and notably biopharma technology companies such as cCAM Therapeutics (acquired by Merck), Prolor Biotech (acquired by OPKO Health) and Neuroderm (acquired by Mitsubishi Pharma).Consequently,Israel is reputed to be the "marketing lab" for biotech innovation and a springboard for global success. The innovative drug industry in Israel by numbers • $2.4B sales of which $1.8B originates from innovative industry • 35 novel drugs on average enter the market annually • 3,000 clinical trials each year, thanks to the high level of medical experts Our focus: We consider ourselves a boutique partner, supported by a well-established global infrastructure.We are interested in in- license late stage, innovative drugs in Takeda's core therapeutic areas – Oncology,CNS and Gastrointestinal Diseases as well as niche products in rare diseases – with relatively short time to market. Launch record: To date,Takeda Israel has managed to launch seven new drugs, one of which was the second-fastest launch by a Takeda branch worldwide following its US approval. Fast track to innovation: The Israel Ministry of Health has an annual budget (called "National Health Basket") of approx. $130M for new healthcare technologies and Takeda Israel has already managed to ensure coverage for five of its products. Positive regulatory environment: Local health authorities are considered highly receptive to new healthcare technologies. Registration of new drugs is a relatively short process that only requires marketing approval by one of the approved authorities such as: US, Japan, EU, etc. Contacts: Moti Gal Scientific Analyst E-mail: Natalie Shapira Head of Business Development & Alliance Management E-mail: Boutique Partner With Global Infrastructure Takeda Israel seeks to partner with pharmaceutical companies and biotech startups in order to assist in distributing their products
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