Israel Japan | Business Guide | 2023
イ スラエルは公共交通機関が充実しています。政府が環境に優しい国 づくりを重視しているため、高級車や自家用車に高い税金をかけてい るからです。自動車産業の状況を示す一般的な指標は国産自動車メーカー の数や国内の自動車販売台数ですが、イスラエルにはこの定義が当てはま りません。しかし、すべては変わりつつあります。ここ数年、環境に配慮し た車種がイスラエルの自動車市場に投入され、自動車の国内需要が急増 しています。2022年の新車登録台数は、前年比7.3%減ではあるものの26 In July 2022 , Japan had around 78 factories employing 5 . 5 million people involved directly in the automotive sector. Automotive manufacturing comprises the largest manufacturing sector, amounting to about 89 per cent of the total manufacturing pie. In recent years, Japan has harnessed innovation and technology to produce electric and hybrid vehicles for both domestic and global markets. Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Suzuki and Mitsubishi are the most popular homegrown brands in Japan. Although the Japanese drive imported brands too, it’s restricted to a niche segment because the cost of maintaining foreign brands is prohibitively high. Most car sales are seen in the rural areas while the urban population uses public transport which is accessible, well developed, and a convenience in cities where space is at a premium. The paucity of space, the need for convenience for an ageing population and the rise in single-person households led to the creation of a new category of small, light cars called Keijidosha or Kei. They also come with some tax insurance and regulation benefits and have become popular with most of the Japanese automobile brands introducing Kei 先進技術によって活性化される スマートトランスポーテーション業界 世界の大手自動車メーカーは、次世代モビリティに搭載され る AI などの技術革新をイスラエルに求めています。 variants. Though the Kei has found limited favour in Japan (mostly with first-time drivers and women) the category has become very popular in Europe. Japanese car brands reported 1 . 65 msale of Kei cars in 2021 , with Honda’s N-box being the favourite, selling 190 , 000 units in 2021 . Like all countries, Japan’s automotive industry is also looking at.electric vehicles. Toyota, the top-selling auto brand in Japan, which sellsmore automobiles thanNissan andHonda combined, introduced its two-seater electric vehicle in 2020 and in 2022 , it’s battery electric vehicle (BEV). Toyota plans to introduce 30 BEVs by 2030 and hopes to sell about 3 . 5 million units globally by 2030 . Not just Toyota, but every top auto brand in Japan has plans to bring about big innovation in the area of electric and hybrid vehicles. The Covid- 19 pandemic affected the auto industry quite adversely as Japanese auto companies shut down their production units all over the world during this period. With imports and exports affected, there was a steep shortage in semi-conductor chips which is a crucial component in the manufacturing process. Sales fell by 23 % in Japan in 2020 and Toyota reported a cut in its global production by 40 % of its planned figures in 2021 . But with things getting back to normal, Japan’s automotive industry is getting back on track to steer the economy towards progress, again. Thenext decadewill beall about adaptinggreen technologies into the automotive sector for a cleaner planet. Already, Japanese companies are working on electric bikes and car, for both domestic and global markets and increasing international demand will only mean more room for innovation. Japan alsomanufactures commercial vehicles, and besides domestic consumption, these are exported to the Middle East, Africa and countries in Asia. 万8,141台となりました。自動車専門誌『 focus 2 move 』によると、イスラ エルの2022年の自動車メーカー別新車登録台数ランキングは、現代自動車 が42,327台(-1.4%)で首位を維持し、起亜自動車が38,224台(-3.8%)でト ヨタの36,881台(-9.7%)を抜いて2位となりました。4位はマツダで18,770 台(+24.7%)、5位はシュコダで13,559台(-27.2%)という結果でした。 一方で、イスラエルが傑出しているのは自動車技術の分野です。イスラエル のスタートアップ企業は革新的で最先端の自動車部品を開発し、新機軸を 39
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