Israel India | Business Guide | 2017

Looking ahead to the future of drip irrigation Moving forward, making a difference   049 making for an economically attractive solution for small wastewater plants.The target customers for the solution are hotels, resorts and small communities. Another interesting technology in this arena is a Floating Fine Bubble Aeration (FFBA) system that is suitable for any type of reactor or lagoon at every scale of operation. Every industry is a water industry If once the “water industry” related mainly to the municipal water industry and water utilities,today more and more water technology products are targeting other industries.  Some of the biggest are the food & beverage industry (the largest consumer of water), oil & gas and the pharmaceutical industry, that require technologies for all three stages of the manufacturing process: from ensuring that the incoming water meets its standards (especially relevant for pharmaceutics which requires extremely clean incoming water),to water usage in the process itself,which can be made more efficient and cost effective, to the outgoing wastewater, that needs to be treated.  Perhaps the largest potential customer industry for water technologies is the Oil & Gas sector,where manufacturers are aggressively seeking solutions to the problem of ‘produced’ water – the polluted water that results from the oil & gas production process.A number of Israeli companies offer solutions for the treatment and reuse of produced water in ways that are cost effective and environmentally friendly, including one of the only companies in the world offering a solution for pre-fracking and the rejuvenation of wells. The demands of a new perspective In order to succeed,nations must have the cooperation of government, industry and the population at large is vital.Prime Minister Narendra Modi has declared water to be a national priority,and an ambitious $165 billion water-diversion scheme for drought-prone regions is in the works. At Israel NewTech we’ve developed a unique approach that is looked at as a successful case study in countries all over the world. We work to bring together all the people and organizations active in Israel’s water arena – government,industry,investors,startups,mature companies – to cooperate and push innovation forward. We also encourage young students to develop careers as water engineers, and travel the world to both introduce Israeli companies and explore and develop new markets for Israeli water technologies. We hold a deep belief that technology innovation, and cooperation holds the key to beating back the world’s water crisis, and are working to make this a reality every day. The author is the Director of Israel NewTech,Ministry of Economy and Industry

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