Business Guide | Israel-India 2022

883 902 1,127 1,015 920 1,037 998 1,132 1,133 1,453 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Scope of Import of Goods from India (In USD Millions) *Excluding diamonds Scope of Import of Goods from India (In USD Millions) Israel-India > Business Guide > 2022 Import of Goods from India Asmentioned, India is one of Israel’smain import countries. As of 2021 , it is the fourth largest among the countries of origin in Asia and 13 th of all countries of origin for the import of goods into Israel. In 2021 , the import of goods from India reached an all- time record high of 1 . 45 billion dollars, around 28 %higher than the record registered in 2020 . This increase stems mainly froma rise in imports of plastic products, organic chemicals, textile products, various metal products, ceramic products and vehicles. The increase denotes a break from the trend of relative stability in the scope of import of goods (excluding diamonds) from India in 2014 - 2020 with a scope of around 1 billion dollars a year. Themajority of imports for 2021 were in the sectors ofmachinery and electrical equipment, plastic, organic chemicals and textile products ( 41 % of the total annual imports). The past 5 years have seen an increase of approx. 143 % in the import ofmachinery and electrical equipment to a scope of 192 million dollars, a rise of 87 % in the import of plastic and its products to a scope of 161 million dollars; the import of clothing and textile products increased by around 74 % to a total of 134 million dollars. By contrast, the import of organic chemicals fell by around 31 % to a scope of 160 million dollars. Major Sectors that Import from India (In USDMillions) 2 טבלה Sector description 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Change 20/21 Weight in exports ( 2016-2021 ) Machinery & Electrical Equipment 79 106 37 102 237 192 -19% 7% Plastic & its Products 86 90 127 127 93 161 73% 6% Organic Chemicals 231 265 202 178 147 160 9% 11% Textile Products 34 67 52 74 54 82 52% 3% Aluminium & its Products 8 38 52 58 39 65 64% 2% Machinery & Mechanical Equipment 33 23 38 36 44 59 36% 2% Clothing Items & Accessories 43 40 47 49 41 52 27% 2% 22 > General Information > Trade Figures

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