Business Guide | Israel-India 2022

8. Reframe your business activities (cooperatives, joint ventures & partnership with farmers and others…). 9. Any other innovative, courageous and fruitful idea that matches the Taking the Cue from Israeli Farmers concept… Doing Agri the Israeli Way is challenging Yet, it is highly relevant tomodern farming in Israel aswell as in India, and to the economic strength and well-being of today's farmers. Deferent statistics around the globe show that we have fewer farmers than in the past and that different land uses, and climatic changes are making it harder to make a leaving out of farming itself. Can farmers from India, learn from this experience? Agro produce markets are global for many crops. The Global Village's technologies and charactermake it easy to adopt new implemented ideas fromone place to another. Shafrir Godel is Founder &Managing Director of AgriQuality ( Shafrir is an experienced agro-business strategy consultant and business development expert. Many of the concepts contained in this article were shaped from his collaborative work with Mr. Eliron Toby, a Marketing Strategist & Innovation Catalyst, who is an expert in creating Unique Value Propositions. As the competition is global and not domestic as it used to be, being a established farmer with good agribusiness results is vital for success. 35

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