Israel UAE | Business Guide | 2021
W hat makes Israelis tick? Firstly, its their intensity and hunger to learn more about new opportunities. This stems from living in a region that has virtually no rawmaterials, where climatic conditions were harsh over half the region, and learning to jell with people from 80 different cultures all placed in one pot. Being likeminded is not necessarily an advantage. When you are different themotivation to collaborate is stronger. So they made a determined effort to forge a common entity and ethos under the national flag. Making Do with Few Resources Not enough arable land for growing food? You create conditions in which you can grow food. Not enough water to go around? You develop means of harnessing thewater you have and innovate - through drip irrigation, desalination, water harvesting and recycling of water for optimum usage. Today, nearly 90 % of Israel’s water usage in agriculture is recycled from grey water. Desert farming is no longer a dream. Thinking out-of-the-box has enabled farmers to maximize productivity. Businesspeople in Israel are forthcomingwith knowledge and will be only too happy to share it for mutual benefit. That is the reason why there are so many cross-border collaborations - with North & South America, in Africa, with India and other countries inSouthAsia, inRussia and the ex-Soviet Bloc countries, in China and in the Far East. A NEWCHAPTER - IN THE GULF And now a new chapter has been opened with the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan, soon to be followed byMorocco and other countries in theArabworld.What agreat opportunity for collaborations! Here are some tips and snippets of information that could assist UAE business people in dealing with their Israeli counterparts - ●● Israelis are generally outgoing and gregarious and are in the habit of developing close links as quickly as possible. BUILDING BETTER UNDERSTANDING Some tips that could assist UAE and Israeli business people deal with each other | Abraham Yehuda, Editor - Israel-UAE Business Guide Israel-UAE > Business Guide > 2021 16 > General Information > Business Culture
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