Israel UAE | Business Guide | 2021
H ow has Israel coped with Logistics during the Pandemic? Obviously, it has hurt Israel’s logistical operations through various stoppages and cancellations, mainly of flight operations. However, being a small country with a relatively flat landscape, human transportation facilities and transport of goods and services within the country were not interrupted outside of the lockdown periods. Fortunately, most of Israel’s revenues come in the form of knowledge and consultancy. It is not overly dependent on exports of goods and services. Being a small country, but blessed with a vibrant agricultural sector, it is self-sufficient in fruits and vegetables, although it imports various kinds of meat, cereals and spices. The Logistics Sector of Dubai in the Pandemic - ASuccess Story Making the Most of a Difficult Situation Most sectors of industry, finance and agriculture have been badly affected by the Pandemic, but none more than the Logistics sector. In trying to come to terms with the current situation, several adjustments have had to bemade and companieswere forced to think out-of-the-box. Just how do you deal with supply chain management when all the tools are not at your disposal? Localization is one approach to the challenge. But if one looks at Dubai it hasmanaged to transform new challenges into profitable opportunities. As a r esu lt of some c r eat i ve approaches, large-scale shortages of essential goods were not experienced. The impactof theCovid- induced supply chain disruptions has been reduced to the bareminimum. Ways need to be found to reduce operational costs and waste. Dubai has the advantage of being strategically located. It therefore enjoys the huge advantage of covering two-thirds of the world’s population within eight hours by air transport. It will continue to be among the top logistical hubs globally. And, in addition, Dubai has succeeded in connecting demand and supply adequately. Resilience and accommodation are the hallmarks of Dubai’s logistical operations, and that is why it has registered over 800 newcompanies in the first half of 2020 . In addition, there have been several newprojects alongwith expansionof existingones - these have managed to keep the economywell-oiled even in uncertain times. All through this effort, it has positioned itself to be the RE- EXPORT HUB for world trade. And in the course of this effort, Dubai has leveraged new technology in shipping, transportation by road and air and in the methodology of handling goods. The Pandemic, in that sense, has enabledDubai to bemore innovative. Innovation, along with digitization, have been fundamental to its success. E-Commerce, paperless operations, use of state-of-the-art equipment and processes and the VirginHyperloop are the newnorm. In the near future, the following operationswill play amore dominant role in logistics - 3 D printing, the Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality, UnmannedGround Vehicles (UGVs), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), exoskeletons and companion robots. In electrical and electronic goods, of course, there are quite considerable exports but through various innovative methods employed in shipping, aviation and road transport, logistical operations have been conducted fairly smoothly. Shortages were not felt. Innovative Approach Needed Several adjustments and innovative approaches had to be made in industry and finance of course. Repeated lockdowns affected revenues. However, the Pandemic set up challenges for industry, finance and agriculture. The knowledge and solutions Digitalization and E-Commerce will play Major Roles How Israel Can Contribute to Shared Logistics Israel-UAE > Business Guide > 2021 70 > Logistics > Sector review
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