Delivering Smart Irrigation Solutions

Metzer Goes “Local Global” The increase in international clientele and the need to have local presence motivated Metzer to open subsidiary companies around the world Over the years, Metzer’s products attracted clients from all around the world. At the beginning, supply and support were provided from Israel, but with the increase in international clients and the need to establish local presence, Metzer started to open subsidiary companies all around the world. Each of Metzer’s subsidiary companies was built along with a local partner familiar with the local market, while Metzer adds to the partnership its know-how, technology and the ability to develop products and projects. The subsidiary employs local workers and has its own local marketing network, allowing Metzer to better understand and customize its products to the markets through better knowledge of local culture and language. The subsidiaries use Metzer’s known brand and high-quality machinery and products and thus enable Metzer to offer tailored products and services, with better response times, faster manufacturing product supply, and better availability and service to its clients. So far, Metzer has built subsidiaries in Australia, Argentina, China, Ukraine, India and more. It has recently opened plants in Mexico and will soon open a plant in Peru. These companies manufacture and sell Metzer products to other countries as well, such as Thailand, Ecuador, Chile, Russia, Italy and Ethiopia. We continue to spread around the globe with more subsidiary companies, and serve our clients better. Metzer Mexico Metzer subsidiary in Mexico was established in 2015 in partnership with a local company TDN (Tractores Del Norte). In 2017 Metzer established a production plant with TDN. The production plant, located in Leon, enables Metzer Mexico to supply the latest drip irrigation technology to Mexican farmers in a cost-efficient and timely manner, with the goal of supplying its products to the Mexican market and neighboring countries in Central America. Metzer Mexico employs 40 workers. USA Chile Metzer Peru Metzer Argentina Founded in 1996, Metzer Argentina distributes the company’s products to the local market. Metzer Peru S.A.C, a new daughter company of Metzer, was launched on March 2018. The company is a JV between Metzer Israel and Olivos Chile. The company based in Lima with available stock of all our driplines varieties, PE pipes. Filtration systems, valves, control systems, irrigation fittings and equipment. Metzer Around the World

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