Delivering Smart Irrigation Solutions

13 “ROOTGUARD® delivers an herbicide embedded inside the plastic hose. Our wastewater driplines are equipped with an inner layer of anti-bacterial technology which does not attack bacteria but just stops them from developing biofilm and blocking the dripper. Finally, we have partnered with other companies to provide our farmers with real-time monitoring of our SDI and provide an assurance about the condition of their hoses. “Until recently, ROOTGUARD® was relatively expensive and used only in longer- term crops. In cooperation with Geoflow Inc., we have lined our hoses with a ROOTGUARD® band, instead of placing it in the drippers themselves – a solution that insured better value for money”. How does Metzer’s approach to these issues differ from other companies? “While general recommendations often destroy bacteria with chlorine, Metzer’s approach is to have our drip irrigation technology work with nature, not against it. We do not want to kill the bacteria because it helps turn water generally discarded into organic matter available as nutrient to the plants, while remaining safe for humans and beneficial to farms. “Another unique approach is our use of wastewater and effluent water. Most of the water used in homes, factories, barns, and more, goes to waste when it is actually an excellent resource - when delivered correctly - of nutritious organic matter that improves the quality of the soil, conserves water and lowers costs. This is especially important in areas lacking in natural water, including Kibbutz Metzer itself. There is limited awareness around the world about using bacteria as a mechanism for water utilization, regulation, and technology”. How has the market response been to Metzer’s ROOTGUARD® and anti- bacterial technologies? “Elation. Demand is continuously growing for these products”. What is the vision for innovation at Metzer in the upcoming years? “Metzer is an environmentally-conscious company. Our next aim is developing plastic that will degrade in the ground when it completes its job. Metzer is an innovative and creative company that is attentive to its growers, and which develops products and technologies accordingly. We are happily dealing with and discovering problems not yet solved and are finding solutions to these problems using creativity and teamwork”, Dov summarize. For more information, please contact Dov Avital , Business Innovation Manager at Metzer: The effect of Anti-Bacterial Technology A hose without Anti-Bacterial Technology “Using our knowledge, insight and creativity, and taking into consideration differing world markets, we improve our existing products and develop new, high-quality products”

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