Delivering Smart Irrigation Solutions

7 Hapoel “SP Metzer” Tel Aviv is on its Way to the Playoffs! Metzer has been the primary sponsor of Hapoel “SP Metzer” Tel Aviv for several years. Hapoel “SP Metzer” Tel Aviv is one of Israel’s top basketball teams, with an impressive roster combining Israeli and international basketball players, playing to sold-out stadia of adoring fans in Heichal Shlomo in Tel Aviv. Rising alongside our company, Hapoel “SP Metzer” Tel Aviv has made it to this year’s playoffs and is well on its way to making it to the championships this year! Metzer Makeover: “Moving Forward, Making a Difference.” In 2016, Metzer decided that it needed a facelift. After rebranding the company, every department of now works under the same united brand. Metzer’s website and marketing language are clear, bright and professional, so you, the clients, can enjoy the ease of access to information on Metzer’s wide variety of products, technology and services. SP Metzer is Also Included in Metzer’s Rebranding! SP Metzer is the first manufacturer in the world to create Super Pipes, a home piping system that combines both metal and plastic, providing a perfect solution for residential, public, and industrial systems. While SP Metzer was previously branded separately from Metzer, the company have now incorporated SP Metzer under the Metzer brand, thus ensuring Metzer is better connected to our customers. We invite you to come visit Metzer at EIMA 2018 where we will be unveiling our new branding, as well as our new drippers YUVAL, GALI, and MICROLIN. For more information, see Se e you there! Come visit Metzer at EIMA 2018!

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