הנדסת מים

30 130 | מגזין המים הישראלי הנדסת מים | כנס כנרת להנדסה וחדשנות בתחום המים ע״ש פרופסור נוח גליל collimated beam apparatus. Low-pressure lamps will be used as comparison basis. For advanced oxidation process experiments, hydrogenperoxidewas addedat 2 or 5mg/L as well as the influence of nitrates was evaluated by addition of 1 or 5 mg/L. Experiments were performed in Kinneret lake water as source of surfacewater, experiments inbuffer phosphate will be used as control. Our results showed that direct photolysis in medium-pressure lamp was more effective than low-pressure lampat everyUVdose tested as can be observed in Fig.1. Moreover, AOP did not significantly improve the oxidation of microcystin. Nitrates favor the oxidation of microcystin in MP lamp, 5 mg/L nitrate improves in10%the removal ofmicrocystindue to hydroxyl radicals generated by photolysis of nitrate. These results are promising in the field of water treatment, UV-oxidation systems are capable of cost-effectively removing environmental contaminants froma variety of water streams and can be easily implemented for treatment of microcystin in surface water used as drinking water source. The power of microorganisms for water recovery: New platform technology pushing up further human capabilities treating water, air and soil. Ofir Menashe 1. Water Industry Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Kinneret Academic College, on the Sea of Galilee, Israel. 2. BioCastle Water Technologies Ltd. new small bioreactor thecnology can expand the ability to treat different kind of contaminants Microorganisms are considered a basic life form, involved in major recycling of nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus that are vital for every life form. Without the presence of microorganisms, nature cannot persist. Water, soil and air contamination can be treated by microorganism activities, as nature so intelligently designed throughout its evolution. Human activities damage these natural elements. The use of microorganisms to restore anthropogenic contamination is well known and intended to be used for over a century. Ever since, we have been trying to control microorganism types, growth and activity, achieving a limited success, knowing the potential in using microorganisms. TheSBPtechnology (SmallBioreactorPlatform) has revolutionizedhuman capabilities in terms of controlling the use of microorganisms. The SBP technology makes it possible to employ the power of microorganisms in water, soil and air decontamination and recovery. The SBP technology equipped us with three controlling elements regarding the use of microorganisms including: (a) implementation of selected bacterial/archaea or fungi culture inside an aquatic medium for a long term (months) (b) at a calculated concentration or biomass amount and (c) location - allowing us to control the implemented biomass site for achieving suitable growth or reaction conditions. These elements are creating new treatment process opportunities, that we have already implemented in industrial wastewater treatment. The SBP capsule

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