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35 SaaS platform- BI Software services dedicated to the Water market PureBI is a SAAS provider with a unique focus on BI powered by AI, for water desalination & wastewater treatment plants. VISION - To provide affordable BI & AI SaaS to every water treatment plant out there. Help plants improve treatment quality and efficiency, reduce cost and ultimately improve the environment tremendously. MISSION – Provide a tailored solution to each plant within a week and at no capital cost. While enabling the plantmanagement execute further customizations to perfectlymatch their needs and targets TARGET MARKET & OPPORTUNITY The water & wastewater treatment market (WWT) is a growing market with huge investments in CAPEX & OPEX, estimated to reach 400B$ in 2022. There are over 100,000 sitesworldwide that donot haveBI capabilities incorporated and are practically operating “in the dark״. As water & Wastewater treatment involves a long and highly complex processwithmultiple variables that lead to frequent instability, the lack of visibility makes it difficult to anticipate and prevent disruptions, causes high OPEX (mainly chemical & electricity consumption in compensation for shortfalls) and eventually drives compliance violations & fines due to unstable quality and environmental damage. Adopting BI solutions is associated with a high barrier (initial capital cost, management time for customizations and lifetime software maintenance) This barrier is too high for small and medium plants! The available BI solutions are very limited and expensive, as they require individual customization (an average time to launch of 6-12 months). These high barriers make the solutions out of reach formostwater treatment Plants and this is the exact opportunity PureBI has set out to capture. PureBI also offers wider functionality, no maintenance cost, corporate management too l s , A I mode l s that wi l l opt imi ze cost & performance for all corporate plants and more. THE PRODUCT PureBI providesBI SaaSpoweredbyAI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) for all types of water & wastewater treatment plants. The platform covers all aspects from operational optimization, through equipment maintenance and even OPEX optimization. It provides customers panoramic visibility into their operations, the ability to guide operators to prevent disruptive incidents, prediction & Alerts, turning rawdata intoactionable Insights. PureBI isaplug&playBI! It canbe implemented to anywater or wastewater plant within several days and be effective immediately, ultimately drivingdowncosts. Thiscanbeachievedthanks to the fact that the system is designed and constructed on the wide basis of knowhow in water & wastewater, knowledge gathered from years living and breathing this industry. Further breakthrough will be achieved by adding an IOT PACKAGE that will enable automatic uploading and tracking of all site data in real time and deliver an outstanding value that will be beyond the scope of any BI system. PureBi דוד אמיר מנכ״ל Info@pure.bi

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