הנדסת מים

48 135 | מגזין המים הישראלי הנדסת מים | תקצירים Green Energy Generation at the Sea of Galilee, Improving the Water Quality of the Lake and Solving the Sinkholes Issues at the Dead-Sea The work focuses on the construction of a hydroelectric energy facility as part of a system transporting desalinated water - from the Mediterranean (Desalination plant located in the sea close to Kibbutz Shomrat) to the Sea of Galilee. The challenges in the project are numerous: making predictions on energy demand, calculating annual production capacity, flow rated in the different system components, examining different options for location of the facility and storing water under different area constraints, calculating and estimating costs for each facility for examining the feasibility of setting up the facility and deploying all possible alternatives. In recent years, theenergyauthorities’ tendency has decided to develop “green״ (renewable) energy sources. The main purpose of the project is to respond to the growing demand for electricity in general, and to the increasing the capacity for “green״ electric energy, by presenting possible ways of working and relevant information on the construction of a hydroelectric energy facility for the State of Israel. Furthermore, theproject is part of a large project that has twoadditional aims thatwill be achieved by transporting of desalinatedwater to the Sea of Galilee: improving the quality of its’ water and further addressing the sinkholes issues in the Dead-Sea. Sensitivity analyseswereperformed, and these were considered in critical factors such as: energy, water and costs and related economic parameters. The work focused on several activities: (i) Information assembly; (ii) Data collection; (iii) Conducting predictions of energy demand; (iv) Visualizing data and forecasts in the charts, (v) Analysis of findings and conclusions. פרופסור גדעון אורון, חוקר ומרצה במכונים לחקר המדבר, קרית שדה בוקר, אוניברסיטת בן גוריון Ha’Tzafon, Ma’ale Gilboa, Peham Ha’aretz To extract fertilizers, produce biochar and renewable energy in our projects. Our Israeli project “TerrraSanta״ is set to restore 5,000 Dunams of old fishponds and, together with the efforts described above, will be the base for conducting a presentation or a panel on the following topics: A demonstration of “Israel as a climate- nation״, how the Israeli industry is joining forces and becoming a significant solution developer for tackling climate change. The promise in collaboration between Renewable Energy and Carbon Removal to strengthen biodiversity and increase well- being. A specific use case such as dual use for solar energy and removal, fertilize reuse and removal, or other. LTD TERRA יובל לביא, מנכ”ל > 50 המשך בעמוד

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