הנדסת מים

53 ABSTRACT FOR THE AQUATIS PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE AT MEKOROT -CASE STUDY PRESENTATION This presentation proposes an in-depth examination of a predictive maintenance initiative by Mekorot, Israel’s national water company, in collaboration with Aquatis and a leading competitor. The case study focuses on a 12-month demonstration program integrating advanced vibration analysis technology across 52 Mekorot pumping units. The primary objective was to enhance operational efficiency by enabling early detection of equipment failures, thereby reducing downtime and maintenance costs. The implementation of Aquatis’s diagnostic systems demonstrated significant financial and operational benefits. The technology successfully identified potential failures without any false positives, leading to a direct cost saving of over $370,000 for Mekorot, that translated to an almost tenfold return on investment. This outcome was supported by the system’s ability to accurately dismiss false alarms from other technologies, further validating its efficacy and reliability. Operational feedback from Mekorot’s staff highlighted the system’s effectiveness in improving maintenance response times and reducing unnecessary interventions, which typically result from erroneous alerts common in less sophisticated systems. The predictive maintenance approach not only extended the lifespan of the equipment but also optimized the overall maintenance schedule. Encouraged by the positive results of the demonstration, Mekorot plans to expand the use of this predictive בעשור האחרון עולם המים עובר שינויים חסרי תקדים. בתעשיה שנחשבה “מסורתית״ IOT נבנית במהירות קומה נוספת של דאטה ובינה מלאכותית. כיום אין חברה, סטאטרטאפ או גוף ציבורי, שלא עוסקים גם בהידרואינפורמטיקה. מגזין המים הישראלי-הנדסת מים גאה להציג את תקצירי הכנס.

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