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43 enumeration of bacteria and micro-particles in water. It operates automaticallywithout sampling gaps andwithout the need for a human operator. The Scanner reagent-free analysis leverages single-cell method for high accuracy and large detection dynamic range. The Scanner offers one of the lowest operational costswhileproviding the richest and broadest data output [2,000 counts/ day]. In this presentation we want to focus on VBact new technological concept and present the PhenoMonitor Classifier, the first commercial bacterial population classifier. Integrated into the VBact Scanner system, PhenoMonitor captures and analyzes the entire bacterial population present in flowing water, operating concurrently withother advanceddetectorswithin the system. The classifier operates by analyzing unique phenotypic parameters of bacterial populations detected by the VBact Scanner. The unique parameters belong to two different groups: dimensional and visual, there are based on VBact optical and imaging unique phenomena of inducing various properties on each single cell. Unlikeconventional andevennewrapidmethods, this classifier encompasses all bacteria detected in each consecutive time interval. The bottom-up data collection aggregates the entire bacterial community, providinghighlydetailed information. Each pair of parameters are presented through distributionareagraphanddetailedtableshowing their frequencyof appearance. This analysis offers novel clear visual and numerical insights into the bacterial composition. The PhenoMonitor Classifier Monitors the following: 1. Water Quality Stability 2. Biological Contamination 3. Chemical Contamination The Event Tracker, a key feature of the PhenoMonitor, is a powerful tool designed to detect and learn specific parameter patterns linked to contamination events. For each event, the system records a unique profile of the associated parameter patterns, building a library of recognized profiles over time. The PhenoMonitor continuously monitors these profiles in real time, issuing alertswhenamatch is foundwith newevents. This capability enhances the user’s ability to receive early warnings and respond quickly to potential water quality contamination. sealed with cellulose acetate polymer. Findings: For the first 6 h, the observed EE2 degradation kinetic rates were 0.027, 0.019, and 0.019 mg/h for OBR, physical, and biological treatment, respectively. During vs (very short) HRT (upto6h), thecombinedOBRprocess reducedEE2 by 32%, while thephysical process only reduced it by 23%, showing an advantage of the combined OBR process for short time spans. During EE2 biodegradation in vsHRT obtained the highest benefit after approximately, 2-4 hours indicating a good treatment potential by utilizing the OBR within a secondary clarifier. The advantages at vsHRT (up to 6 hours) allowing us to implement theOBRsysteminsecondary sedimentation tanks that inmost casesarehaving4-6hoursof hydraulic retentiontime. This study is the first toexamineand evaluate theeffect of treatment coupling (physical and biological), using an OBR configuration, on a steroidalsexhormone(EE2),whichcanbemodified for the treatment of additional micropollutants. Here, the SBP-encapsulated biomass was not adversely affected by the UV light and therefore, the technologypresentsasignificant advantage for exploring the treatment potential of UV radiation. A NOVEL BACTERIAL POPULATION CLASSIFIER AND SYSTEM FOR REAL-TIME WATER QUALITY MONITORING LIVE DETECTION OF WATER QUALITY STABILITY, BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL CONTAMINATIONS Dan Zemer, Co-Founder and CTO, VBact Ltd., Rehovot, Israel Bacterial contamination in water systems poses a major health risk, and traditional methods for detection can take days, leaving consumers vulnerable to harmful bacteria like E. coli. The VBact Bacterial Water Scanner, a new real-time bacterial detection system, offers a significant leap in safeguardingdrinkingwater andvalidating water quality. The Scanner is designed tobe used alongside live water systems and production lines. It uses in-line sampling configuration offering continuous water monitoring. It utilizes patented Direct Imaging technology and AI image processing for real-time detection and
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